Anchoring of retaining wall - highway D11, Horní Počernice
The retaining wall is located at the D11 highway at Prague, Horní Počernice. The highway is situated here in a deep trench with walls reaching to 10 m height.
Works during the reconstruction of the retaining wall included:
1) stabilization of the fill material behind the current wall by grouting technology - from statical and safety reasons in order to enable performance of the follow up reconstruction works.
Technology of pressure grouting was used in order to stabilize soil and fill cavities behind the retaining wall. Double component polyurethane resin Geopur 082/90 was used as a grouting medium.
In total, an area of the wall of approx. 1500 m2 was stabilized, total of approx. 10 000 m of grouting rods were drilled, and a total of approx. 46 900 kg of Geopur grouting resin was used.
2) anchoring of steel concrete pole prefabricates of the newly built retaining wall. Anchoring was performed using self drilling and grouted anchors R32.
Drilling of the anchors was made in openings of the anchored steel concrete poles. The length of the anchors was 8 to 10 m. Required bearing capacity of the anchors was 120 kN.
In total 276 pc of anchors were installed of total length of 1896 m. The consumption of grouting resins Geopur reached approx. 13 200 kg.